2022年7月1日 星期五

1110519 Song of names


Good morning everyone~


What’s your name?

Do you think your name is special? Is it special enough to put into the song?


你叫什麼名字呢?” 你覺得你的名字特別嗎? 有特別到可以寫進歌裡嗎?

You know, there are definetly some names that are so popular that song writers love to put them into songs.

Let’s check the classic one, and see if you can tell me what name you heard?





Yes, it’s “Billie Jean” from Michael Jackson. Let’s listen again, see if you can catch the name, Billie Jean.


是的! 第一手就是Michael Jackson "Billie Jean". 我們再聽一次,看看你能不能再Michaell Jackson特殊的唱腔中,辨認出來"Billie Jean"!


Okay, here’s the second one. Listen carefully! Here we go~


好的~ 接下來 我們來聽第二手囉!!! 仔細聽,我們要開始囉!


Did you catch the name? It starts right at the beginning! Let’s listen again!


發現了嗎? 就在一開始的地方,再讓你聽一次!!


Yes, it’ the boy’s name “ Stephen”, and the title of the song is “Hey Stephen” from Taylors Swift!


! 這次是男生的名字stephen, 而這首歌是由taylors swift 所演唱的“Hey Stephen”,你聽出來了嗎


After listening to those two songs with names, here I’m going to present you the the song that includes the most names you know. Listen carefully and tell me how many names you catch!




OK, here’s today’s program. Everyone, beware to wear masks and wash hands often, eat healthy and don’t forget to exercise, may everybody stay healthy! Bye~


