Do you know the song I just played for you?
You may not know, but somehow, most of your parents or teachers must be
familiar with it! Yes, it’s one of the classic songs from a Hong Kong singer,
Jacky Chang in 1993. Let’s listen more of it.
對你來說,或許非常陌生,但對你們的爸爸媽媽或是老師們,應該就很耳熟。沒錯! 是香港歌神張學友的經典作品─吻別。
(Take Me To Your Heart)
Find out what the difference is? Yes! It’s the English version!
Because the original song is too popular, and it becomes the first cover of Chinese songs. The band that covers the song is from Denmark, Michael Learns To Rock, they named the song as Take Me To Your Heart, and this band becomes the most famous one in 2004, ten years after the original one.
發現有什麼不同嘛! 沒錯! 這是英文版的”吻別”!
因為原曲實在是太經典了,所以十年後,丹麥搖滾團體Michael Learns
To Rock,翻唱了這首經典名曲,並一舉成為當時最後歡迎的國外搖滾團體。
So, today, I’m going to introduce some famous
Chinese songs that has English covers. Come and join me!
所以今天的主題,就是被翻唱成英文的中文歌曲! 一起來聽聽看有哪些歌曲吧~
one, it’s the them song from the movie,
More Than Blue. By A-Lin.
It’s covered by Sam
Tsui and Madilyn. What’s more special about this song is that, they sing both
Chinese and English together, let’s see if you can recognize these two
(gem 光年之外)
The song is from Gem, Light years away. And
the English cover is from Jasmine Gibson. Guess lots of us have already heard
the song, cause it’s quite a big hit. So, it’s not surprising to have the
English version. But what about a French version? Let’s listen to it!
Gibson。大部分的同學應該或多或少都有印象吧! 畢竟前幾年,這首歌真的很紅,但紅到可以有英文版的翻唱不意外,但是你沒想到居然有法文版吧! 我們來聽聽看吧!
Last, here’s a quiz for you!
If you know this cover, please share with
Have a nice day~
最後的最後,考考你~ 如果你知道這是哪一首中文歌的翻唱,快點跟lulu老師分享!!!