2021年1月5日 星期二



Daily English 生活佳句

< Bonnie & Stanley are at home>

A: What do you want for dinner tonight?

B: I'm not sure. What do you want?

A: It's up to you.

B: Let’s eat out today.

A: No way! It’s raining outside. I don’t want to get wet!

B: Shall we try the food delivery service?

A: It's up to you.

B: OK! Let’s order in.

今天要介紹的生活佳句是~It’s up to you. 「由你決定」


When you say, "it's up to you," it's another way to say that you want the other person to choose. That might be because you can't decide, or you are being nice and letting someone else choose.


在剛剛的對話中,BonnieStanley討論晚餐要吃什麼,沒有想法的Bonnie都可以,就說了It’s up to you,但卻又不想下雨天外出用餐,最後兩位決定要試試看外送服務解決今天的晚餐!


Feature Story  專題報導

Taiwan Leopard Cats 台灣石虎

Do you like cats? I have two at my house.

Do you know there is a special cat in Taiwan?

It looks like a pet cat.

It's also about the same size as a pet cat.

Take a guess. What is it?


That’s right!

It's a wild animal called「石虎」

In English, it's called the 'Leopard Cat."

There are only maybe 500 leopard cats in the wild.

Some of them live in the hills in Miaoli (苗栗).

But sometimes, cars hit the leopard cats at night.

The cats are trying to cross the street and the driver doesn't see them in time!


The police in Miaoli now tell people to drive slower at night on mountain roads.

And one company is using a special camera.

It can see the leopard cats at night.

When the camera sees a leopard cat, it makes an alarm sound.

Then, the leopard cat doesn't run into the road.

So far, it's working pretty well!


Drivers need to slow down at night on mountain roads and watch for leopard cats.

And computer cameras are helping, too!

I hope we can save the Taiwan leopard cat!

It's such a cool and special animal!



他看起來像家裡養的小貓 大小也差不多。








Vocabulary  單字教學

Hit 撞擊

I got hit by a car last night.


Cross 穿越

Look both ways before you cross the road.


In time 及時

We are in time to catch the train


Camera 照相機

I want a camera for my birthday.



Quiz Time 有獎徵答

Number 1: What's Taiwan's special wild cat called?

(1) Tiger Cat (2) Leopard Cat (3) Chicken Cat

第一題,台灣特有的野生貓類叫什麼名字? (1) 虎貓 (2) 石虎 (3) 雞貓

Number 2: How many wild cats are still in Taiwan?

(1) 500 (2) 30 (3) 2000

第二題,台灣石虎還有多少隻存活? (1)500 (2) 30 (3) 2000

Number 3: What can drivers do to help on mountain roads at night?

(1) Drive slowly (2) Drive fast (3) Drive very very fast


(1) 開慢一點 (2) 開快一點 (3) 開非常非常快




