2020年11月19日 星期四

1026 English Radio Script


 1026 English Radio: Halloween

Daily English 生活佳句

Tim: (興奮) “Look! A haunted house. Sarah, Let’s go and adventure!”

Sarah: (害怕)“Wait! A haunted house is too scary and I am scared.”

Tim: (勇敢) “Don’t worry! I will protect you.”

Sarah: “But wait! Tim, there might be a witch! She will turn us into mice and eat us!”

Class: In Tim’s mind…

Girls: (女巫)“Hee, hee, hee. Little mouse, little mouse. Where are you? I’m coming ~ to get you and eat~~~ you!”

Tim: (有點遲疑) “Don’t, don’t worry! I will protect you. Let’s go!”

Sarah: “Wait! There might be a vampire! He will get us and drink our blood.”

Class: In Tim’s mind…

Boys: (吸血鬼)“ Bl~ bl~ blood. I’m thirsty and I want some kids ~to drink… ”

Tim: (結巴) “Don’t, don’t worry! I, I will protect you. Let’s, let’s go!”

Sarah: “Wait! Tim, there might be many, many ghosts. They will get us and tear us apart!”

Class: In Tim’s mind…

Class: (幽靈) “Boo~~ Boo~~ Eat you up~~ Boo ~~”

Tim: (嚇到) “Ahh!!!”

Sarah: “Are you scared, Tim?”

Tim: (逞強)“No!!! I’m not! Don’t, don’t worry! I, I will pro- protect you.”

Sarah: “Wow! You are so brave, Tim. OK, let’s go to the haunted house together.”

Tim: “Wait! I want something first!”

Sarah: “What do you want?”

Tim: “I want my mommy!!”


Shrek:今天要介紹的生活佳句是“wait!” 要請別人等你,或是暫停正要進行的活動先等一下的時候,就可以說“Wait!”,也可以說 “Wait a minute!” 或是 “Wait a second!”

Jason: 第二個生活佳句是 “Don’t worry.” 不要擔心。若是有人擔心很多事,或是常常擔心害怕自己做不好,你就可以勸他“Don’t worry.” 不要擔心。

Shrek: 在剛剛的對話中,Tim想去鬼屋haunted house裡探險,但是Sarah很害怕,說Wait!” 鬼屋裡可能會有女巫witch吸血鬼vampire和幽靈 ghost,在Tim的心裡也跟著想像出可怕的女巫witch吸血鬼vampire和幽靈 ghost,但是Tim還是說了I will protect you我會保護你。還說了Don’t worry. 來鼓勵Sarah

Jason: 於是Sarah也同意一起去haunted house. “Let’s go to the haunted house together.” 同學們,你們覺得他們最後有一起去探險嗎?


Shrek: 現在讓我們一起來練習吧! Please repeat after me. 等等;等一下Wait!

Class : Wait!

Jason: Wait!

Class : Wait!


Shrek: 不要擔心。Don’t worry.

Class : Don’t worry.

Jason: Don’t worry.

Class : Don’t worry.


Class: 以上是今天的生活佳句教學。


Feature Story專題報導


Vance & Andrew: “Halloween 萬聖節

Vance: Hello, Andrew. Why are you dressing so strange? Are you wearing a vampire costume?

Andrew: Yes, I am a vampire! I am dressing like this because Halloween is coming. I am trying on my Halloween costume. I can’t wait to go trick or treating!

Vance:  Trick or treat? Is it the activity that kids go door by door and ask for candy? I love candies!

Andrew: Yes. But, do you know why we go trick or treating?

Vance:  I don’t know. Please tell me.

Andrew: Halloween is the night the monsters and ghosts come out in Western culture. It is on the night of October thirty-first. People dress up like monsters and hold parades to scare the real monsters away. This tradition became “Trick or treat.” Kids wears their favorite costumes on Halloween. They knock on their neighbors and say “trick or treat.” If the neighbor doesn’t give candies, cookies, or chocolate, the kids will do a little prank before they go next door. The tradition costumes are monsters like witches, vampires, and ghosts. However, the new costumes like princesses, superheroes, or other cartoon characters are popular, too.

Vance: Wow, I want to be Ironman and have candies! I want to go trick or treating with you!

Andrew: OK. Let’s go find your Ironman costume!

Vance: Yeah!


Andrew: 每年十月31日晚上就是萬聖夜,相傳這天人類和地獄的邊界會變得模糊,所以很多妖魔鬼怪會來到人間,就像是我們農曆七月的鬼門開一樣。

Vance:  所以古代歐洲的人們會在這天晚上打扮成可怕的樣子,把邪惡的妖魔鬼怪嚇跑,漸漸地演變成穿上各式各樣的服裝遊行的傳統。

Andrew: 萬聖節還有一個小朋友們特別喜歡的活動,就是不給糖就搗蛋」,小朋友們打扮成自己喜歡的模樣,挨家挨戶地要糖果。

Vance:  以前大多數都是扮成女巫,吸血鬼,或是幽靈等怪物,但近來也有很多小朋友選擇扮成動物,迪士尼公主,機器人,超級英雄或是卡通人物等等。


Words 單字教學

Bonnie: Halloween 萬聖夜

Olivia: Halloween 萬聖夜

Bonnie: Happy Halloween! 萬聖節快樂

Olivia: Halloween is the night of October thirty-first. 萬聖夜是指十月31日的晚上。


Bonnie: costume 服裝

Olivia: costume 服裝

Bonnie: What’s your Halloween costume? 你萬聖節的服裝是什麼呢?

Olivia: I have a spider-man costume. 我有一套蜘蛛人的服裝。 另外注意,costume通常用來指整套的特別的服裝,例如戲服傳統服飾等。


Bonnie: witch 女巫

Olivia: witch 女巫

Bonnie: The witch has a black cat. 這女巫有隻黑貓。

Olivia: The witch can turn you into a mouse. 女巫可以把你變成老鼠。


Bonnie: vampire 吸血鬼

Olivia: vampire 吸血鬼

Bonnie: A vampire is a monster thirsty for blood. 吸血鬼是一種渴望喝鮮血的怪物。

Olivia: A vampire can turn into a bat. 吸血鬼可以變成蝙蝠。


Bonnie: ghost 幽靈;鬼魂

Olivia: ghost 幽靈;鬼魂

Bonnie: People die and become ghosts. 人死了就變成鬼。

Olivia: The house is haunted by a little girl’s ghost. 那棟房子裡住著一個小女孩的幽靈。


Bonnie: trick or treat不給糖就搗蛋

Olivia: trick or treat不給糖就搗蛋

Bonnie: Let’s go trick or treating. 我們出發吧!不給糖就搗蛋!

Olivia: Trick or treat! Happy Halloween! 不給糖就搗蛋! 萬聖節快樂

Bonnie: 有時候在要糖果的時候,小朋友們會唸一段韻文:

Class: Trick or treat! Smell my feet! Give me something good to eat!!


Jason & Shrek: Let’s review. 複習時間,請大家跟著我們練習單字。

Jason: 萬聖夜Halloween

Class: Halloween

Shrek: Halloween

Class: Halloween


Jason: 服裝 costume

Class: costume

Shrek: costume

Class: costume


Jason: 女巫witch

Class: witch

Shrek: witch

Class: witch


Jason: 吸血鬼vampire

Class: vampire

Shrek: vampire

Class: vampire


Jason: 幽靈;鬼魂 ghost

Class: ghost

Shrek: ghost

Class: ghost


Jason: 不給糖就搗蛋trick or treat.

Class: trick or treat.

Shrek: trick or treat.

Class: trick or treat.


Class: 以上是今天的單字教學。


Quiz Time 有獎徵答

Bonnie: 小朋友,等一下下課之後,就可以參加有獎徵答了,總共3題,一二年級的小朋友只需要答對一題,三四年級的小朋友需答對兩題,五六年級的小朋友則需要答對三題。在一年級的英語教室,四年級的英語教室,及六年級的英語教室,已經放置了有獎徵答箱,箱子的旁邊有題目,請寫下答案並投入有獎徵答箱就可以了,一個人一次只能寫一張,別忘了寫上班級,座號及姓名喔。


Bonnie& Olivia: Quizes for today:

Olivia: 今天的題目是:

第一題: 萬聖夜在幾月幾日呢? A. 1010 B. 1031 C. 1225

Bonnie: [When is Halloween? A. October 10th.          B: October 31st.                                                       C. December 25th.  ]*3


Olivia: 第二題: 萬聖夜要糖果的時候應該說什麼呢?

A. 恭喜發財  B. 聖誕快樂 C. 不給糖就搗蛋

Bonnie: [What do you say when you ask for candy on Halloween?

A. May you be prosperous!      B. Merry Christmas!   C. Trick or treat!] *3


Olivia: 第三題: 請寫出一種Halloween相關的怪物的英文。

Bonnie: [Please write down one monster about Halloween in English.] *3


Olivia & Bonnie: 這就是今天有獎徵答的題目,歡迎大家踴躍參加。


Class: 以上節目由四年7班錄製,謝謝大家收聽!

2020年10月12日 星期一








Daily English 生活佳句


A: Jeremy, I'm so bored. Is there anything we can do?

B: Let's go to the night market this evening.

A: What's a night market?

B: A night market is a place where you can enjoy delicious food, play games, and go shopping. Taiwanese people are crazy about night markets.

A: Wow, it sounds awesome. Shall we go now?

B: Not yet. The night market usually opens at about 6 p.m. And it gets more interesting after 8 p.m.

A: OK. I'll meet you at 7 p.m. I can't wait to see it.

B: Sure. You'll have a good time there.


It sounds awesome! 聽起來很棒!

Have a good time! 祝你玩的開心,玩得愉快


Feature Story  專題報導


A: Hey, how’s your holiday last weekend?

     Did you have a good time with your family?

B: Of course! It was really a long weekend!

We had four days of no school!

I was so happy!!!

But why do we have a long weekend?

A: What? Don’t you know that?

 We got three days off because we were celebrating Double Tenth Day!

 Double 10 - 雙十節 - is another name people in Taiwan use to say October 10th.

B: What's so special about the date of October 10th?

A: October 10 is Taiwan's National Day. 

     And every year, on this day, many people come to the Presidential Building to watch the    parade.

     There will be music, marching, and a lot of people waving the National flag. 

    And guess what? Important politicians from Taiwan and other countries will be there too!

     Even the president will be there to watch the parade!

B: It's a huge celebration!

A: That’s right!

     You can also watch the beautiful firework show on Double 10.

B: I know that!

     I saw the firework show on TV.

     It was really fantastic!

A: We have a lot to celebrate.   

     There are so many cool things in Taiwan!

B: We have beautiful rivers and mountains.

A: We also have great food!

      Especially at the night markets.

B: Taiwan is a wonderful place to visit.

A&B: Happy Birthday to Taiwan!





Vocabulary 單字教學

National Day 國慶日

有些國家會利用日期的數字來代指國慶日,比方說我們的雙十節稱為 Double Tenth Day。而不使用數字的時候,我們就可以用 National Day 來統稱「國慶日」。nation 是名詞,意思是「國家」,而它的形容詞 national 就是「國家的」。所以「國家的日子」也就是「國慶日」。


My family and I usually celebrate National Day by joining the flag raising ceremony.


parade 遊行

國慶日最熱鬧的活動之一當然就是「遊行」啦!要注意,parade 是用來指慶祝某些事件或節日的遊行,不是指走上街頭抗議的那種遊行喔!

 Let’s join the Double Tenth parade tomorrow!


national flag 國旗

Our national flag is formed with “Blue Sky, White Sun, and a Wholly Red Earth”.


firework 煙火

The firework display will start at 8pm.



Quiz Time 有獎徵答


(           ) 1. Please draw the national flag of Taiwan.

(            ) 2. Taiwan’s National Day can also be called ________.

                      (A)  Moon Festival  (B)  Double Ten  (C) Christmas

(             ) 3. What kind of show  can you watch on Taiwan’s National Day?

                     (A) flower show  (B) monkey show  (C) firework show